When you donate to the Gainesville Giving Garden, you help provide the resources necessary to operate a donation farm that feeds families without access to nutritious food. Donations are the most impactful way to support our operation. Your donation helps the farm to purchase items such as seeds, tools, irrigation supplies, local compost, harvesting supplies, and more. Every dollar helps drive our food-justice mission forward.

Become a monthly donor:

Contribute $15, $50, or $100 per month to feed families in our community. Sustaining donations generate funding predictability, allowing the farm to more accurately budget for and implement the operations that enable productivity.

One time donations: Any one-time contributions help us to grow our impact.

The Giving Garden is also open to tool and material donation. Here are a few examples of helpful gifts to the farm:

  • Hoes

  • Shovels

  • Compost

  • Low Tunnel Hoops

  • Frost Cloth

  • Wood for building raised beds

  • Harvest containers

  • Wheelbarrows

  • Rain-collection buckets